Wednesday 17 April 2013

Hoi! Reader's - Oh Poor Jack Russell

A Little Lulu Jack Russell hilang ke dalam lubang yang tidak digunakan di Boveney Lock, Dorney, Buckinghamshire, apabila pemiliknya Gina Kaiser membawanya berjalan-jalan. Selama 4 hari tersekat di dalam lubang berkenaan, Gina membuat keputusan untuk mengupah "penggali" untuk melepaskan Lulu yang tersekat di dalam pipe tersebut. Ianya mengambil masa 6 jam untuk melepaskan si LULU. 

Hoi! Reader's - Here's Why All Girl Need A Scimitar....

In J.R.R Tolkien's Middle Earth, the Uruk-Hai are fictional characters who carry scimitars as weapons. This girl shows us why her replica Uruk-hai scimitar is a very useful tool in everyday life...

Hoi! Reader's - Best Driver Ever

Try To With This Man, How To Drift..

Hoi! Reader's - Only In Russia !

This only in russia.

Hoi! Reader's - Stunning Surrealist Inspired Photography

Wah, really nice, really creative compositions by Turkish Artis, Murat Suyur.
its amazing 

Hoi! Reader's - A Awesome Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Art

A Photographer attached colored LED to his robotic vacuum cleaner and then captured its path using a slow shutter speed on his camera. Here are some of the photo results, 
its look like in the fucking club~